Lonna Sellstrom         Lonna Sellstrom brings 20 years of experience in teaching and counseling to her work as an Intuitive Spiritual Consultant and Life Coach. She is passionate about making a difference in people's lives by inspiring them to remember that we are all powerful spiritual beings having a human experience.
        Each person is a unique individual, with a unique set of genes, gifts, talents, and set of life experiences. Finding the path to spiritual fulfillment often dictates that one walks alone on the journey. In order to discern one's individual spiritual pathway, it is often beneficial to call upon a Spiritual Consultant.
        Lonna does not give you orders or make decisions for you. Rather, she serves as an assistant to help you determine your own right path and spiritual truth. A consultant may have spiritual training in the direction that you seek, but she doesn't have to. Your personal results will be realized based on her intuition, wisdom, experience, understanding, and maturity.
        This is your life, your truth and your path. Your whole life is unfolding. Every moment provides you with new opportunities. You can live the life you dream and receive the clear guidance that will help you choose the path, understand present limitations and move forward into new expressions of your pure self. Over the years, Lonna has assisted hundreds of clients to move to their next level of excellence in life, by tuning into their own inner guidance and getting clear on their visions and goals and how to achieve them.
  • * Do you know there is a greater purpose to your life?
  • * Do you want to know more about who you are as a spiritual being?
  • * Do you long to make those important changes, if only you knew how?
  • * Do you want answers and solutions to the recurring issues you face in life?

        Do You Wish You Could Transform Some Area of Your Life That's Not Working?
  • * Lack of Prosperity
  • * Poor Health
  • * Stress & Worry
  • * Troubled Relationships
  • * Unsatisfying Career
  • * Blocks to Spiritual Growth and Happiness
  • * Unable to create the life you want
  • * Old Issues hanging around

        You can transform life's challenges, move forward, heal the past and create a better future. Anything is possible with the right tools and guidance.
        Many of us long to know why we are truly here. At the same time, we know that issues such as financial difficulties, troubled relationships, and poor emotional or physical health don't have to be part of the picture. We know we deserve more, that everything is available to us... if only we knew what was standing in our way!
        Once you clear the negative influences and begin to grasp the bigger picture of who you really are, you're more empowered and enabled to leave the struggling behind and finally make those changes you've been wanting to make - so you can have more joy, peace, and fulfillment.
        When you embrace your Soul and begin living from the truth of who you really are...
  • * You let go of fear
  • * You eliminate worry
  • * You become stress-free
  • * You have higher self-esteem
  • * You have a greater sense of fulfillment
  • * You enjoy more satisfying relationships
  • * You are more successful
  • * You gain confidence
  • * You are healthier
  • * You are happier

        What kind of concerns can be addressed with Intuitive Spiritual Consulting?
  • * Relationships
  • * Career/Life Purpose
  • * Business and Finance
  • * Spiritual Well-being and Connection
  • * Personal Growth and Development
  • * Emotional Patterns
  • * End of Life Matters

        Lonna provides patients with the tools that help them to self-heal, assist them in measuring their progress, and help them to achieve maximum spiritual and physical health.
        Lonna Sellstrom has written several books on the topic of spirituality, personal development and intuition. She's been leading spiritual workshops for many years. She is passionate about helping people discover their deeper selves, open to powerful possibilities and celebrate success, freedom, inspiration and fulfillment.
        "I don't believe in chance encounters. So, if you're here reading this, it means you are ready to make a change. You're ready to do whatever it takes to get into alignment with your True Self - who you are at Soul Level. And that's very exciting!" - Lonna Sellstrom